I have just extended my PHP coding standard guidelines with these rules about variable naming:
- Remember this is PHP, not Microsoft Visual C++. There is actually little value in naming variables something like ##strFullTitle## . Something like ##full_title## is definitely enough and much easier to read!
- As an exception to the previous rule, we'll preferably prefix **private** or **protected** member variables of a class with an underscore as in ##_full_title##. This serves as an easy reminder that the variable is not designed to be called in any other ways as in ##$this->_full_title## .
- Class names should start with a capital, as in ##Book## .
- Variable names should be all lowercase, as in ##$title = 'A brand new day';## except when they are object references as in: %%$a_Book = & new Book( 'A brand new day' );%%
- When naming object references, always end their name with the name of the class as in ##$a_Book## or ##$another_Book## instead of
##Book_to_read##for example. This allows to easily search & find all calls to a given method of a given class. You could for exampel easily search on this string: "Book->get_title(" .
Comments from long ago:
Comment from: Free Shopping
A very useful resource for PHP coding guidelines here http://www.evolt.org/article/PHP_coding_guidelines/18/60247/
2005-11-17 12-15