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The power of the power button! (or eject key)

You might wonder what to do with that Eject key on your Mac keyboard, now that drives with ejectable media are gone... or you may not use your power key to its full potential... Personally, I've been using Ctrl + Eject or Ctrl + Power (depending on…...

July 21, 2014 · 2 min · François Planque

How to insert Tabs in a textarea (OS X)

Whenever you're on a web page with Safari, Chrome or Firefox and want to type a code snippet (or maybe just align what you type) you might be tempted to use the tab key... But no, luck it moves the browser focus instead of inserting a tab into your…...

July 20, 2014 · 1 min · François Planque

How to display Network Shares as Icons on Mac OS X desktop

We had them before, but suddenly in Mac OS X 10.5 they disappeared! However, whenever I want to grab something on the network, my intuitive reflex is to look for the network drive icon on the desktop! :'(I had to dig around quite a while to find teh se…...

June 20, 2009 · 2 min · François Planque

How to edit your keyboard layout on Mac OS X

One thing I hate about US keyboards is that they don't let me type my French special characters by any memorable strecth -- what's the dead key for the cedilla again? (ç)One thing I hate about French keytboards is that they have all the punctuation key…...

June 19, 2009 · 3 min · François Planque

Video files in iMovie

I just have to say how much I love the way iMovie '09 handles video files. When you import video, you can save it to any drive connected to your Mac. It will go to a folder named "iMovie Events" on the selected partition. Whenever that partition gets…...

June 14, 2009 · 1 min · François Planque

How to get AC-3 5.1 surround sound on your Mac

So your hooked up your Mac to your 5.1 receiver and all you get is lousy stereo? Worry no more, decent AC-3 support is finally available for Mac OSX! In my case I have an Intel Mac Mini from 2006 hooked up to a Denon AVR-3801 via a fiber optic S/PDIF…...

March 11, 2009 · 16 min · François Planque

About Apple Design

"Apple's design is supposed to be the ultimate perfection in 21st century computing. We should all learn from them." I get that a lot when discussing b2evolution's user interface (which, btw, I like to think has improved significantly in version 2.0.…...

October 12, 2007 · 2 min · François Planque

Mac instead of PC for PHP/Web development?

I have recently put together a new Core 2 duo PC for doing my web development. And I have been asked why I didn't get a Core 2 duo Mac instead... The question definitely makes sense. You can now get essentially the same components into a PC or a Mac.…...

November 17, 2006 · 15 min · François Planque


If you crash your mac: AppleJack! And even if you don't crash your Mac bad, you want AppleJack. Everytime you hard reset/reboot your mac you add a few errors on your hard drive structure. And as time goes by, you get more and more of those turning…

November 11, 2006 · 1 min · François Planque