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A web of broken links

From time to time I do a little housekeeping on my blogs. Today I moved some old English posts from my French blog to my English blog. I'm not sure if it even matters, but it gives me some satisfaction to tidy things up. I do it as a distraction…...

November 2, 2018 · 1 min · François Planque

evo-sublime theme for Sublime Text

I've just uploaded the evo-sublime theme for Sublime Text on GitHub . It is a dark text on light background theme, with vivid highlights. This is the theme I use to work on b2evolution. Installation You need to copy the color scheme into the Sublime…...

February 22, 2015 · 1 min · François Planque

Still dreaming about the ideal FTP tool

Besides the basics, there's three simple things I'd expect from an FTP client: Symetrically navigate in subfolders locally and remotely with single clicks;Upload files and overwrite the server side only if the local file is newer;Search the server f…...

May 17, 2007 · 2 min · François Planque

Apollo: the Flash Virtual Machine is getting better

It was bound to happen. Macromedia's (well, Adobe's) Flash player finally evolved into a very complete Virtual Machine. They call it Apollo. It basically solves the same problem Java has tried to solve for years: write once, run anywhere. Though it's…...

March 20, 2007 · 1 min · François Planque

Mac instead of PC for PHP/Web development?

I have recently put together a new Core 2 duo PC for doing my web development. And I have been asked why I didn't get a Core 2 duo Mac instead... The question definitely makes sense. You can now get essentially the same components into a PC or a Mac.…...

November 17, 2006 · 15 min · François Planque

My favorite Firefox extensions

Here's a quick list of the Firefox extensions I'm using all the time for web development: DOM Inspector IE View (One button to check the same page in IE) ColorZilla (Lets you check colors on a web page) MeasureIt (Lets you measure Elements on a…...

August 8, 2006 · 1 min · François Planque

The Java Generation and the lost art of programming...

"A sure sign of my descent into senility is bitchin' and moanin' about "kids these days," and how they won't or can't do anything hard any more." So goes the intro to Joel's "The Perils of JavaSchools". Higly relevant and highly recommended, as us…...

January 25, 2006 · 3 min · François Planque

Efficient vs. effective

Guy 1: I am so efficient I can fold 100 parachutes in a hour. Guy 2: I am so effective I can fold 100 parachutes and every single one of them will open right. Would you rather give your parachutes to the efficient or to the effective guy? Now what…...

September 22, 2005 · 3 min · François Planque

Testing web applications

Note to myself: unit testing is a great thing and I should do it more, I plan to do it more. But, unit testing is not enough... What we need for web applications (or complex dynamic web sites if you prefer) would be something like this: the TEST program…...

May 17, 2005 · 2 min · François Planque

Hungarian notation on steroids: semantic types & suffixes

Joel on Software’s latest bewildering article advocates correct use of the – often misunderstood – Hungarian notation: “Making Wrong Code Look Wrong“. Basically, calling a variable , etc…...

May 11, 2005 · 2 min · François Planque